Showing posts with label neoprene lunch bags. Show all posts
Showing posts with label neoprene lunch bags. Show all posts

Saturday, October 6, 2018

More Monograms

I am way behind on publishing blog posts. Maybe writing and publishing blog posts should have been my New Year's Resolution!

My daughter was here during the summer and we went downtown Thomasville shopping. You can't come to Thomasville, Georgia and not visit the best downtown in the U.S.A! While shopping at  Relish we found the cutest lunch box for my grandson to use for his school lunches. It folds out flat and can be used as a placemat. Clean up is easy. Of course, it needed a monogram. If you think monograms are a "girl" thing, think again. Monograms can be very masculine.

This stacked "Library" font design is great for a guy.

On this same visit home, my daughter packed my grandson's medications and toiletries in zippered plastic bags. Because of constant handling, the bags eventually split and everything started falling out. I decided that just wouldn't do so I went shopping at our local T.J. Maxx and found two dopp kits. Here us a picture of the monogram I selected stitched on the bags.

My grandson has a hyphenated middle name so I designed a four-letter monogram for his bags. I think they turned about pretty cute and they are perfect for his medications and toiletries.

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