Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Grandchildren Are Coming..................

With it being spring break time here in the south, that means....................the grandchildren are coming for a visit. They were out for spring break on different weeks so we were lucky enough to have the 18 month old for two weeks.  Back several months ago I decided I wanted to move the 11 year old into a different room and redo it for him. So I have been collecting everything for the room and then started working on it. My husband and daughter helped me put the finishing touches on the room last week so it would be ready for Logan when he arrived. I apologize in advance for the lousy lighting in the pictures!

This is a picture of the finished room:

The drapes are actually shower curtains that I found online at West Elm . They are exactly what I was looking for. Because they are only 72 inches tall, hanging them with rope was the perfect solution.  I found the light tan bed skirts online at .  Because the bed in the center has drawers underneath the mattress, there was no need to skirt that bed. I appliqued Logan's pillowcase with his name in El Paso Font. He loved it.

In this picture you can see the copper rods my husband made out of copper pipe that he found at Lowe's. He and my son had to cut the pipe and piece it together to get the length I needed. This is a large set of windows and I couldn't find much less afford custom made rods to fit. I used the buttonholes in the shower curtains to run the rope through and hang on the rod. Pretty cute, right? On the wall you can see the "turners" that we attached with the same type rope we used on the drapes. I found the "turners" at Scott's Antique Market in Atlanta. Cool, right?

My daughter and I went shopping while she was here and we found this cool rope lamp at T.J. Max. Honestly, I can't remember where we found the long leg bird but I had to purchase it. We have a bird that looks just like it on our pond.

Lastly, I just had to include my curious cat, Toby, checking out the room redo and making sure he can still see the birds on the feeders below.

I hope you enjoyed this tour of the room redo. It is finally finished and I love it.

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Sunday, March 10, 2013

Just Monogramming Away

Wow, sorry it has been so long since I last posted. Things have really been busy here at Granny's Attic and The Polka Dot Most of the merchandise ordered at Gift Market in January has arrived. Orders have been great. Thank you new customers and lots of thanks to returning customers. Ya'll are the best!

Here is a display of the new Everykid Towels by 3 Marthas:

I really like the new designs! Left to right - Baby Birdie, Blue Froggie Friend,  Pink Froggie Friend, New Truck, Pink Whale Waves, Blue Whale Waves, Pink Gingham Elephant, Pink Colorful Crab, and the new Football Design.

3 Marthas has started offering bloomers for little girls and of course, I want to offer them to you! Below is an example of some of the bloomers:

Are they adorable?

This afternoon I had the pleasure of attending a baby shower for a dear friend's daughter. It was so much fun. I had the best time selecting what I wanted to give the mother-to-be. Below is a picture of the gift before I wrapped it.

I custom made the blanket to include with the gift. It is made with swiss flannel fabric, lined with china silk, edge hemstitched with tatting added, and a beautiful cross embroidery. The rest of the gift package included the Cross Bubble by Mud Pie, Cross Keepsake Box by Mud Pie, Cross Bib and Burp Cloth by Granny's Attic, Boy Diaper Cover by Granny's Attic, Blessings Snuggler by Bearington Baby, and Cross Artwork by Mud Pie.

Like I said, this past month has been busy and fun. Please visit The Polka Dot Store where Blessing Happen Every Day.


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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Great Idea For Personalized Bib

Recently, a customer emailed saying she needed an order processed quickly because she wanted to use it for a birthday party. I thought, "What a great idea!". She was planning to use the personalized bib on a stuffed bear as the centerpiece on the party table. Immediately, ideas started popping into my brain and I started visualizing  this as the centerpiece at a baby shower or the main part of a gift basket. Fun! The next time I had an order for a personalized bib, I put it on a bear and took a picture to show you. Below, you will see our Pink Minky Bib by Mud Pie on our Bliss Bear by Melissa & Doug.

Adorable! The bib is stitched in Font 23 in hot pink thread. I think Mrs. Bear looks stunning in her personalized bib and is ready for any occasion.


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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Personalized Leg Warmers

As many of you know, I purchased a new 6 needle embroidery machine back in the fall. Since then I have been "collecting" different frames for the machine. As with most things, the right accessories produce the best results. While my grandson  -yes, I said grandson. I may be older in age but not in spirit- was here a few weeks ago, he was playing with inventory as I was trying to count inventory. He loved pulling the legwarmers out of the basket.

As I was putting them back in the basket, Max and I decided he needed a pair of the Fire Truck Leg Warmers by BabyLegs and it would look cute to try to stitch his name on them. Here is the result:

I think they look really cute so this option will be added to the website soon! Let me know what you think! Adorable leg warmers and socks can be found here 

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Sunday, January 6, 2013

Hair Bow Project For My Niece

It took me a while but I finally finished a set of monogrammed hair bows for my niece. Since I've been making hair bows for a LONG time, you would think this would be a easy for me. It was always easy for me to make bows out of double face satin ribbon but I was having a hard time getting my bows made with grosgrain ribbon to look perfect. After looking at online videos and talking to a friend of mine, I think I have mastered the technique. My friend, Beth, has always been very generous to share her wealth of information and you can find her great creations in her Etsy store here .

My niece loves her new hair bows. Hopefully, I can get her mom to send me a picture soon to post with my precious niece wearing one of her bows!

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Friday, November 2, 2012

Appliqued Shirts

A few weeks ago I mentioned trying to applique on some shirts for my cute little grandson. They turned out great and I thought I would share them with you. I stitched on three shirts for him. Here they are:

The blue shirt has a cute cow face applique that I found at Planet Applique . Turned out cute, didn't it?

Max wore this cute pumpkin shirt a lot during the month of October. I would let me wear it during the month of November, also but that is up to his mama :). This applique design was found at Applique Cafe .

Max decided the spider shirt is his favorite. His dad has been teaching him "Itsy Bitsy Spider" so I knew Max would like this shirt. The applique design used for this shirt was also found at Applique Cafe . All fabrics used were just in my "stash" of fabric.

 This is what the inside of the shirts look like. The white fabric covering the design is called "comfort cover" and I purchase it at Sewing . It is super soft and keeps the stitching from irritating the skin. The last picture shows a bloomer I stitched for a friend of mine as a surprise for her granddaughter. I hope you like it!

Leave a comment and let me know if you like the shirts and the bloomer. Have a great weekend!


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Thursday, October 18, 2012

October 2012 Giveaway On Facebook

We now have over 300 Facebook fans so we decided to have a giveaway event to celebrate. Yea! There are two set of fabric bibs by 3 Marthas to be given away. One is a girl set and the other is a boy set. How to win:

1. Go toThe Polka Dot Store Facebook Page
2. Like AND share the picture of the set you would like to win on your home page.

The winner will be selected at 12 noon Eastern time tomorrow, Friday, October 19, 2012.
Good luck!

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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Recent Monograms

Happy Wednesday! I couple of days ago a customer emailed and asked me to send pictures of 3 Marthas Products that had been monogrammed. Thus, the idea for this blog post was formed. First, let me say I am blessed with wonderful customers. Yea! Second, let me share with you the view I get to look at every morning before I start work.

Pretty good way to start my morning, don't you think? The barn is not ours but the view is free. :)

O.K., on to the monograms. Really, I consider this personalized since they are not 3-Letter Monograms but does it really matter? Nah!

This is a group of 3 Marthas burp cloths each stitched with a different font. Pretty cute and good selections by my customer.

Next, is a group of 3 Marthas bibs. Two of them are Jolly Blue Giraffe stitched in orange thread. The third bib is Baseball stitched in red thread.

This sweet set is from the Jolly Pink Giraffe collection by 3 Marthas. The burp on the left is stitched in the Fishtail Monogram in medium pink thread and the burp on the right is stitched in font 23 in medium pink thread. I think they look adorable and so sweet for a newborn little girl.

In the next two pictures, you will see recent monogrammed items not from the 3 Marthas collection but I thought you might be interested in seeing them.
This is the Blue Lollipop Infant Hat by Little Giraffe monogrammed in the jester font in medium blue.

Some people call this a bodysuit, others call it a onesie, or creeper. Whatever you call it, it is really cute stitched in the Diamond Block font in light blue.

After a busy afternoon monogramming, I think I will take some time tonight to applique some shirts for my grandson. If  the pictures turn out well, that will be another blog post. Until then, I'll close with a pictures from a plant in our yard. There is no doubt I am not a professional photographer but these pictures makes my smile. I hope you have enjoyed this post.

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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Recently Added Monograms

Wow, it has taken me all day but I have finally successfully uploaded quite a few new monogram fonts choices. Take a look and let me know what you think. Are there any other choices you would like to see me offer? Here is the link to look at the fonts. The newer ones will be down toward the bottom of the page. 

I love them all but I think this one will be the most popular. It is called Master Circle.

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Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Surprise

On Facebook this week I mentioned that I would be revealing a surprise. Here at The Polka Dot, monogrammed is not outsourced. It is done in-house. Last weekend my husband and I added a new piece of equipment to the store. We purchased a new 6 needle PR 650 Brother embroidery machine! It is incredible and I am having so much fun with it! Here is a picture of our new "baby"...........

New hoops should arrive tomorrow and I can't wait to play with them. The folks at are really great to work with.

Here is an order I personalized with the new machine..........

Doesn't it look great! The stitching looks so much better. I loved my other machines but I think I wore them out :).

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

New 3 Marthas Burps

Hi Everyone!

I have been busy taking and getting descriptions ready to add new products to the website. Below are three new burps we are adding from 3 Marthas.

Isn't the new angel design adorable! The elephant design is a favorite of mine and the gingham one is also available in pink. Here are the two new hippo designs we have already added:

The can be found here. Have a great Labor Day Weekend and happy shopping!

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Monday, July 23, 2012

Little Giraffe Promotion Extended

O.K., since some of you may have had a very busy weekend...........I am extending the Little Giraffe Personalized Blanket and Burp Give Away until Friday, July 27th, at midnight. Remember to "Like" us on facebook click here and also leave a comment on the Give Away post.

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Friday, July 20, 2012

Little Giraffe Blanket & Burp Give Away!

I am so excited to announce our first Give Away! You will have a chance to win a Sand color blanket and burp by Little Giraffe including a three-letter monogram on both the blanket and burp in the font and thread color of your choice. Enter by "Liking" our facebook page here and leave a comment below telling me you have liked our page. The chance to win ends Sunday night at midnight EST and the winner will be announced Monday afternoon on our facebook page. Below is a picture of what you have a chance to win. Good luck everyone!

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Monday, July 9, 2012

Going to Market!

I am so excited about going to Gift Market this weekend in Atlanta! Little Giraffe has a new catalog out with tons of new products. It's the one booth at market you have to go and just feeeeeel the samples.

Lollipop Layette Caps
Lollipop Layette Gowns
Little G Blanky

We recently got in The Lollipop Caps in blue and pink and the Lollipop Starter Sets in pink and blue. They will be up on the website soon! The Little G Blanky has been very popular and we intend to order more of them. Let us know if there are more products by Little Giraffe you would like to see on our website.

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Saturday, July 7, 2012

Move Is Complete!

Things have been crazy busy here at The Polka Dot Store since the end of May. As many of you know, The Polka Dot is run out of our home. Well..........we purchased a new home and have been in the process of moving over the month of June. At our previous house, we ran the store out of our tiny dining room and stored inventory in the garage and a trailer. With our move, my husband has gracious agreed to let me use a huge room in our new house for The Polka Dot Store. All my inventory is in this room and it is set up like a store. So I thought it would be cool to give you a peak into the store. Below, you will see photos of how the room is set up.

The two pictures above are the same display wall taken from different angles. Everykid Towels by 3 Marthas and Hoodie Towels by Maison Chic make an eye catching display on the left and burps, and gift sets by 3 Marthas as easy to see on the right.

Diaper Bags by Vive Le Fete, plush bunnies by Maison Chic, and blankets by Colorado Clothing are grouped together for a pink and blue display. On the bottom shelf, pack backs by Oak Patch Gifts and plush animals by Melissa & Doug hang out together.

Burps by Little Giraffe & Bearington Baby, crib sheets by Swaddle Design are easy to see.

Lovie's are just hanging around waiting to be purchased.

The White Tiger by Melissa & Doug keeps watch over the room.

This is the security blankets section.

I just couldn't resist taking a pic of some of the hooded towels.

 The burps by 3 Marthas look adorable grouped by boy and girl designs!
I couldn't get a decent picture of the left side of the room but there are shelves with blankets, day gowns, burp sets, and everything else. It is so nice to be able to see all of the inventory at once!

There is a work table in front of the windows and this is the view I have while I work. I love it!

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