Wednesday, April 13, 2011

New Litle Giraffe Blanekts, Blankys, and Burps

New blankets, blankys, and burps from Little Giraffe have arrived and they are gorgeous!  I tried something new with the pictures.  I think it gives them a fresh new look instead of the standard white background picture.  After experimenting with my picture proccessing software, I've discovered a really cool way to make a collage of the blanket pictures.  It will be attached below and I would love to hear any comments concerning the collage or the new blankets.  The new Bella series is absolutely wonderful.  It is a little thicker with texture than the original chenille fabric.  For now, The Polka Dot Store only carries the Lavender Damask blanket and blanky from this series.  The feel of this blanket is so soft!  You will love it as much as I do.

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1 comment:

  1. Could you please email me what color the satin trim is on the Pink Little Giraffe Satin Chenille Baby Blanket. I can't tell if it is white or pink. Thank you!



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